Convert currencies instantly and get latest currency exchange rates for world countries, updated regularly and automatically several times per hour.

- With each currency exchange you request, always get the values of a number of world currencies instantly listed including some precious metals and cryptocurrencies rates.

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Our user's exchange rates must be always accurate, we use a credible source to automatically get currency exchange rates regularly, which is now being Currency Beacon. We placed here a quote from same currency rates provider's home page:

- Proudly serving 100,000+ businesses and developers

- Real-time mid-market & Historical Exchange Rates: Central banks and currency traders define the rates at which they are willing to buy/sell a specific currency. The real-time mid-market rate is the midpoint between demand and supply at any point in time, making it the most accurate rate. The mid-market rate is the rate you will find on independent sources such as Yahoo Finance, Google Finance, Xignite and XE.

- Trusted Sources: Our currency data is sourced from financial data providers and banks, including the European Central Bank, Canadian Central Bank.

Disclaimer: we doesn't guarantee the accuracy of values provided, while it's always fetched accurately from (at this moment) the previously mentioned global currency rates provider. If you used it in a critical use, please use it at your own responsibility.

If you got any note or noticed any country's data remark, please send it using the contact form at our website: ( Or through our email address. And we will make sure to correct it. Our users remarks are always welcomed.


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